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RS_Spring Rolls with Sesame Dressing.jpg

​Spring Rolls with Sesame Dressing

Everybody’s favorite shrimp summer rolls. Green perilla leaves add a boost of extra flavor.
The sweetness of the roasted sesame dressing makes it a perfect sauce for summer rolls.



● Dressing to taste
● 4  sheets of 22cm/8.5" round rice paper
● Lettuce leaves・・・20g
● Cucumber・・・40g
● 8 macrophyll
●16 small cooked prawns


①Cut the lettuce into bite. Slice the cucumber.
②Wet the rice paper sheets. Place a piece of  lettuce close to the bottom edge of the rice paper. Arrange a small pinch each of rice noodles, cucumber and macrophyll over the center of the lettuce leaf.
③Arrange 4 pieces of shrimp about 1 1/2 to 2 inches below the top edge of the rice paper. Then, fold the left and right sides of the spring roll toward the center.
④Serve the spring rolls with the dipping sauce.

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