PIETRO × Aladdin
Scene2 Weekday night

Dinner after coming home from work.
I immediately start to prepare.
We used...
Aladdin Graphite Grill & Toaster (For 4 slices of bread)
PIETRO dressing SESAME 280ml

Today, it's "stuffed zucchini" and "short pasta with shrimp
and small tomatoes".
Let's make a slightly luxurious dinner for ourselves after a hard day's work.
Weekday night recipes
Meat-stuffed Zucchini

・1/2 tbsp. of dressing
・Suitable amount of dressing
・1 zucchini (approximately 180 g)
・125 g ground beef and pork blend
・Suitable amount of salt and pepper
・Suitable amount of nutmeg
・1 small egg
・7.5 g panko breadcrumbs
・Suitable amount of ketchup
・Suitable amount of Parmigiano-Reggiano

① Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise, and then cut each in half crosswise.
Put the pieces of zucchini in a heat-proof container, and cover lightly with plastic wrap.
Microwave and let cool slightly. Then, hollow out the pieces of zucchini with a spoon. Remove excess moisture from the zucchini pulp and chop it roughly. (Reference: 3–4 minutes at 600 W)

② Put ground beef and pork blend, salt, pepper and nutmeg in the bowl, and mix them well until the texture becomes sticky. Add an egg, dressing and panko breadcrumbs, and mix well. Finally, add the zucchini pulp ❶ and mix. Stuff the mixture into the hollowed-out zucchini pieces.

③ Put the stuffed zucchini pieces in a grill pan. With a lid on top,
heat them at 220°C for about 11 minutes.
After that, remove the lid and heat at 250°C to suit your personal preference.
④ Transfer them into a serving dish. Top with dressing, Parmigiano-Reggiano and ketchup to taste.
Cheese- and Basil-flavored Cherry Tomato
Shrimp Short Pasta

・1/3 tbsp. of Pietro OUCHI PASTA Genovese (for panko breadcrumbs)
・2 tbsp. of Pietro OUCHI PASTA Genovese
・100 g boiled short pasta
・10 cc olive oil
・8 shrimps
・4 cherry tomatoes
・30 g commercially available white sauce
・15 cc milk
・10 g raw panko breadcrumbs

① Boil short pasta.
② Add 1/3 tbsp. of OUCHI PASTA Sauce to 10 g raw panko breadcrumbs and mix.

③ Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and stir-fry the shrimps briefly.
Add halved cherry tomatoes, white sauce, milk and 2 tbsp. of My Home Made Pasta Sauce. Heat while mixing, and then turn off the heat.

④ Add ❶ to ❸ and mix. Transfer the mixture to a baking dish and top with ❷.
⑤ Bake ❹ in a toaster oven at 230°C. (Reference: 4–5 minutes)

Have a pleasant meal in a restaurant-like atmosphere.
It will be a blissful time.

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To be continued